CIS 331 Assignment 3
- Please finish the following programming problems -
- Dictionaries nested in a dictionary - Cities: Make a dictionary called "cities". Use the names of three cities as keys in the dictionary. Create a dictionary for each city and include information such as state, population, and other facts about the city. The keys for each city's dictionary should be something like "state", "population", etc. Print the name of each city and all the information you store about the the city.
- Ask the user to type in an integer or type "quit" to exit. Print out the corresponding message if the user types an integer -
(1) divisible by 6. (2) divisible by 2 but not 3. (3) divisible by 3 but not 2. (4) not divisible by 2 or 3.
- Paste your programs as the email body or send your files as email attachments to by 11pm on 10/6. Please write CIS 331 and your full name on the subject line of your email.