CIS 324 Assignment 3
- Please start from the state space representation framework posted on the course website and implement the following water jug problem by writing a class that defines the states and operators for the problem as well as a test class that shows the solution paths from depth-, breadth-, and best-first search methods.
Water jug problem (similar to the one given as an in-class exercise). Two water jugs with 3- and 5-gallon capacities are initially empty. The goal is to put 4 gallons of water in the 5-gallon jug. There is no marked scale on the water jugs so you cannot measure. - Send your “WaterJugState” and “Main” Java files to by 11pm 10/5. Please note that it is unnecessary to modify or turn in any other Java class in the framework, unless you overhaul the whole framework. If your major is CIT or you cannot program but you are able to write a detailed plan to describe how to program these two classes, you will get 80% of the credit for this assignment. Please write CIS324 and your full name on the subject line of your email.