package LinkedList_Java; /* this class is certainly NOT meant to be a full-featured List class. It is for demonstration of concepts only. 4 methods implemented. Explain: printList, exe: find. Explain: insert, exe: delete. */ class StringList2 { //sorted string list // Internally, the list of strings is represented as a linked list // of nodes belonging to the nested class Node. private class Node { String item; Node next; } private Node head; public void printList() { Node runner; // For traversing the list. runner = head; System.out.println("\nThe list contains:"); runner = head; while (runner != null) { System.out.print(runner.item +" "); runner =; } } // end printList() public boolean find(String searchItem) { Node runner; // A pointer for traversing the list. runner = head; // Start by looking at the head of the list. while ( runner != null ) { if ( runner.item.equals(searchItem) ) return true; runner =; // Move on to the next node. } return false; } // end find() public int indexOf(String searchItem){ int index=0; Node runner; // A pointer for traversing the list. runner = head; // Start by looking at the head of the list. while ( runner != null ) { if ( runner.item.equals(searchItem) ) return index; else{ runner =; // Move on to the next node. index++; } } return -1; } public String get(int index){ //every call to "get" has to run from the head int temp=0; Node runner; // A pointer for traversing the list. runner = head; // Start by looking at the head of the list. while ( temp!=index ) { runner =; // Move on to the next node. temp++; } return runner.item; } public void set(int index, String newItem){ //every call to "get" has to run from the head int temp=0; Node runner; // A pointer for traversing the list. runner = head; // Start by looking at the head of the list. while ( temp!=index ) { runner =; // Move on to the next node. temp++; } runner.item=newItem; } public void insert(String insertItem) { Node newNode; // A Node to contain the new item. newNode = new Node(); newNode.item = insertItem; // ( is null.) if ( head == null ) { // The new item is the first (and only) one in the list. // Set head to point to it. head = newNode; } else if ( head.item.compareTo(insertItem) >= 0 ) { // The new item is less than the first item in the list, // so it has to be inserted at the head of the list. = head; head = newNode; } else { // The new item belongs somewhere after the first item // in the list. Search for its proper position and insert it. Node runner; // A node for traversing the list. Node previous; // Always points to the node preceding runner. runner =; // Start by looking at the SECOND position. previous = head; //Find the proper prosition. while ( runner != null && runner.item.compareTo(insertItem) < 0 ) { previous = runner; runner =; } = runner; // Insert newNode after previous. = newNode; } } // end insert() public boolean delete(String deleteItem) {//everyone implements this method for practice! if ( head == null ) { return false; } else if ( head.item.equals(deleteItem) ) { head =; return true; } else { Node runner; // A node for traversing the list. Node previous; // Always points to the node preceding runner. runner =; // Start by looking at the SECOND list node. previous = head; while ( runner != null && runner.item.compareTo(deleteItem) < 0 ) { previous = runner; runner =; } if ( runner != null && runner.item.equals(deleteItem) ) { //Ordered linked lists =; return true; } else return false; } } // end delete() } // end class StringList public class LLImplementation2{ public static void main(String args[]){ StringList2 list = new StringList2(); list.printList(); list.insert("first"); list.insert("second"); list.insert("third"); list.insert("fourth"); list.insert("3.14"); list.printList(); if(list.find("second")) System.out.println("\n\n\"second\" is in the list"); else System.out.println("\n\n\"second\" is not in the list"); list.delete("3.14"); list.printList(); System.out.println("\n\nThe index of \"third\" is "+list.indexOf("third")); System.out.println("The index of \"tenth\" is "+list.indexOf("tenth")); System.out.println("\nThe string for index \"2\" is "+list.get(2)); list.set(2, "A New String!"); System.out.println("\nAfter the set method call, the string for index \"2\" is "+list.get(2)); } }