import java.util.*; public class Heap{ //implement an Integer heap using Java ArrayList, 4 methods implemented private ArrayList al; public Heap(){ al=new ArrayList(); } public Heap(ArrayList al){ ArrayList(al); } public boolean isEmpty(){ return al.isEmpty(); } public int size(){ return al.size(); } public void insert(Integer obj){//insert at the end and maintain heap properties al.add(obj); int child=this.size()-1; //each child has only 1 parent int parent=(child-1)/2; while(parent>=0 && al.get(parent).compareTo(al.get(child))>0){ Integer temp=al.get(child); al.set(child, al.get(parent)); al.set(parent, temp); child=parent; parent=(child-1)/2; //stops at 0. } } public Integer delete(){//replace root with end and maintain heap properties if(this.isEmpty()) return null; if(this.size()==1) return al.remove(0); Integer min=al.get(0); al.set(0, al.remove(this.size()-1)); int parent=0; //each parent may have 0, 1, 2 children while(true){ int leftChild=(2*parent)+1; int rightChild=leftChild+1; if(leftChild>=this.size()) break; int minChild=leftChild; if(rightChild0) minChild=rightChild; if(al.get(parent).compareTo(al.get(minChild))>0){ Integer temp=al.get(parent); al.set(parent, al.get(minChild)); al.set(minChild, temp); parent=minChild; } else break; } return min; } public void heapSort(){//print all elements in an sorted order. And don't destroy the heap. Heap copy=new Heap(; System.out.println("\nThe sorted data list is:"); while(!copy.isEmpty()) System.out.print(copy.delete()+"\t"); System.out.println("\n"); } }